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**SPOTLIGHT SESSION** Rising Above the Day-to-Day


Contract Management Made Easy


Employment Updates: What You Need to Know


Fundraising 101 for School


How to Communicate with Confidence and Authority


Procurement that Works


Safety First: Managing Health and Safety in Schools


Build a Resilient School Infrastructure

Green & Eco

Creating an Effective Sustainability Action Plan


Finance Foundations for School Leaders


Happy Staff, Thriving School


Operational Excellence for Education


Quick fix: Networking

What seminars and speakers can you expect at EdExec LIVE West Midlands?

Seminars are expert-led and address the pressing matters impacting the education sector and school business management. Sessions cover finance, funding and income generation, marketing, premises, catering, management and all the acronyms – CPD, HR, ICT, GDPR.

Seminar sessions will run for 50 minutes and consist of a presentation, workshop or panel-style delivery on a topic, followed by time for Q&As. We carefully build our seminar itinerary based on issues we know are pertinent to SBMs and current school planning issues and aim for a good mix of topics, so there should be plenty of choice to suit everyone.


Speakers include practicing business managers, finance and trust directors, CEOs, CFOs, independent consultants, authors… all sector experts and all on-hand to ensure that you have access to the information that you need.

*Seminar topics are subject to change. Visit the site regularly to keep up-to-date with the latest.

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